Notes from around the Web: Artist Hubert Duprat

Duprat “Sculpture”

Straddling the line between conceptual art, sculpture, natural science, and jewelry the end result of Hubert Duprat’s work with insects are objects of great beauty.

Leonardo, an online magazine, has an article about the artist Duprat that begins:

“Since the early 1980s, artist Hubert Duprat has been utilizing insects to construct some of his “sculptures.” By removing caddis fly larvae from their natural habitat and providing them with precious materials, he prompts them to manufacture cases that resemble jewelers’ creations… This article is based on a conversation between the artist and art critic Christian Besson.”

Here is the link to the full article:

The Wonderful Caddis Worm:  Sculptural Work in Collaboration with Trichoptera

Duprat “Sculpture

Left to their own devices in nature caddis fly larvae will create their cases out of shells and pebbles:

Caddis larvae case in nature
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